Saturday, February 29, 2020

Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

What Is Anxiety

The American Mental Affiliation (APA) characterizes uneasiness as "a feeling described by sentiments of strain, stressed considerations and physical changes like expanded pulse." 

Knowing the contrast between typical sentiments of tension and an uneasiness issue requiring clinical consideration can enable an individual to recognize and treat the condition. 

Right now, take a gander at the contrasts among tension and nervousness issue, the various kinds of uneasiness, and the accessible treatment choices.

Signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders

It is normal to experience the feeling of anxiousness at some point in life. Many situations can make a person anxious, like giving a speech in public, going for the first day of school, starting a new job. Usually, these feelings go away with time, but if they persist, and begin to interfere with the normal functioning of a person, then they should seek out proper medical care. Several anxiety disorders can affect a person's quality of life, so what out for the following signs, and if they appear and stay for extended periods, then consult a doctor.

Common symptoms of anxiety include:


Excessive irritability can be a sign of this condition. As per the findings of a recent study that observed over 6000 adults with generalized anxiety disorder, over 90% of them reported having high irritability.

Feeling of agitation

When a person feels anxious, their sympathetic nervous system goes into overdrive mode. It can cause a person to have shaky hands, dry mouth, a racing pulse, and sweaty palms. These symptoms are a result of the brain becoming convinced that the person is in any imminent danger, while in actuality, there is no such issue.

Excessive worrying

It is the most common symptoms of any anxiety disorder. People with this condition can worry disproportionately in response to the event that is triggering it. They can experience this worrying in response to everyday situations. If this feeling frequently occurs for at least six months and is difficult to control, then that can b a sign of generalized anxiety disorder.


Several people who have anxiety disorders also reported having this feeling. It is especially common in teens and children. People describe this feeling as being on edge or an uncomfortable urge to move. Though this sign does not appear in all the people who have an anxiety disorder, it is often a red flag that doctors look for while making the diagnosis.

Problem in concentrating

People with anxiety disorders often find it hard to focus on a given task. Studies show that this condition can also lead to memory problems, as it can interrupt working memory, which is responsible for storing short-term information. This symptom alone is not enough for the diagnosis of an anxiety disorder, as other medical conditions can exhibit this sign.

Difficulty in falling or staying asleep

Disrupted sleep patterns are also a sign of anxiety disorder. Some researchers also believe that insomnia during childhood can contribute to the development of anxiety disorders later in life. Though both anxiety and insomnia are related to some extent, it is unclear which condition causes the other.

Irrational fears

Phobias or extreme fears of certain things like enclosed spaces, heights, spiders, can also be symptoms of this condition. While some concerns are justified, others are not so. 
Some of the common fear that people with anxiety exhibit include:
·         Fear of blood, needles or injuries
·         Fear of some animals or insects
·         Fear of natural disasters such as a flood or hurricane
·         Fear of come situations like being in an elevator
·         Fear of using public transport
·         Fear of open or enclosed spaces
·         Fear of being in a crowed or outside of the home

Avoiding social situations

Anxiety disorders can also make a person lonely as they begin to avoid social situations.
 The people who have a social anxiety disorder can have the following symptoms:
·         Worried that others might judge or scrutinize them

·         Feeling anxious or fearful about an upcoming social event
·         A feeling of being humiliated or embarrassed in front of others
·         Avoiding social events because of these fears

Panic attacks

It is an overwhelming and intense sensation of anxiety that can be disruptive. It can cause a person to experience an increased heartbeat, shortness of breath, shaking, chest tightness, sweating, nausea, etc.


If someone becomes quickly tired without doing much work, then this can also be a sign of generalized anxiety disorder. Sometimes the fatigue can follow an anxiety attack, while sometimes it can be chronic. Though an anxiety disorder can cause a feeling of fatigue, this symptom is not enough for an anxiety diagnosis, as it can also be a sign of depression.